To reachout to the world with Good news…..

“Go from your country and your kindred and father’s house to the land that I will show you” Gen:12,1
From 1973 onwards CMC St Joseph’s set out to send its daughters to foreign countries like Germany, America, Italy and Africa for evangelization. Now we have sisters and 1 house in Germany, sisters (including one native vocation) in America , sisters in Italy and in Africa. Then we got the call for North Indian Mission from Rev. Fr Justin CMI (Provincial, CMI St Thomas Province Kozhikkode) who invited us to Poonch, Jammu. We boldly accepted the call and took up the challenge. Now, our 21 energetic missionaries are rendering their services in different parts of Jammu.
Disregarding the extreme climate, problem of language, culture etc…the seed which sowed by the pioneer missionaries sprouted in time and spreading its branches to different parts of the world. The zealous love for Jesus inspiring the missionaries to render their service and presence to the people of God.